Small scale foundries in Ghana are in search of a suitable coke for their foundry operations since there is no coal mine in Ghana. Two grades of spent prebaked aluminium carbon anodes (herein referred to as grade P and grade K), which are remnants from the aluminium electrolysis at Volta Aluminum Company (VALCO), an aluminium smelting company in Ghana, have been characterized to assess their quality and use as foundry coke. Proximate analysis and X-ray diffraction techniques have been used for their quality assessments. Coke grade P had lower moisture content, volatile matter and ash content compared to grade K. In both grades, sulphur and phosphorus contents were within requirements of a quality foundry coke. However, the volatile matter and ash contents of both grades were not satisfactory. Fixed carbon contents in both grades were below that of a quality foundry coke. Carbon structure of coke found in both grades is crystalline in nature. The crystalline width, Lc, was calculated to be 4.05 Å and 5.12 Å for grade K and P, respectively.