A mathe mati cal formulation is devised for a uniformly spaced and uniformly progressively phased antenna array of a given number of isotropi c ele ments such that the final radiation pattern is end fire with no large bac klobe. The pallern also has the maximum numb er of sid elobes of equal le vel, modifying the result of an earlier pape r, eve n wh e n th e ele me nt spacing is made arbitrarily small. The directiv e gain, the fir st null beamwidth, the half·pow er beamwidth, th e current exc itations, and th e required phases for s uc h an array are given in c urves as a fun ction of the ele me nt spacin g. It is shown that the li miting radiation c haracte ri sti cs wh e n th e ele me nt spacing approaches zero can also be de te rmin ed in a relatively simple mann e r.