ZnOTe compounds were grown by DC magnetron cosputtering from pure Tellurium (Te) and Zinc (Zn) cathodes in O2/Ar atmosphere. The applied power on the Zn target was constant equal to 100 W, while the one applied on the Te target took two values, i.e., 5 W and 10 W. Thus, two sample series were obtained in which the variable parameter was the distance from the Te targets to the substrate. Sample compositions were determined by Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) experiments. Structural analysis was done using X-Ray diffraction (XRD) spectrometry and the growth of the hexagonal w-ZnO phase was identified in the XRD spectra. RBS results showed high bulk homogeneity of the samples forming ZnOTe alloys, with variable Te molar fraction (MF) ranging from 0.48–0.6% and from 1.9–3.1% for the sample series obtained at 5 W and 10 W, respectively. The results reflect great differences between the two sample series, particularly from the structural and optical point of view. These experiments point to the possibility of Te doping ZnO with the permanence of intrinsic defects, as well as the possibility of the formation of other Te solid phases when its content increases. The results and appreciable variations in the band gap transitions were detected from Photoluminescence (PL) measurements.