Incidence of oral cancer is increasing worldwide. World Health Organization published data shows India has the highest mortality rate in patients with oral cancer while other countries like the United Kingdom is showing a rise in the incidence. The main risk factors are consumption of tobacco in various forms and alcohol. Other risk factors are viral and fungal infections, genetic syndrome predisposing to oral cancer and potentially malignant lesions, or conditions. Viral infections are known to cause cancers. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one such virus that has been strongly associated with oro-pharyngeal cancer in sites such as the base of the tongue, tonsils, and pharynx. Tests that can identify HPV in these sites are still under development. There has been some success in identifying salivary biomarkers to diagnose oral cancer however they are not specific and is currently not recommended. Treatment of oral cancer can cause serious morbidity, and hence prevention and early detection should remain the main goal. Prevention by educating public regarding ill effects of tobacco and excess alcohol consumption, political will in reducing the availability of these products, screening and monitoring will help in reducing the incidence of oral cancer.