For any algebraic curve C and n ≥ 1, P. Etingof introduced a 'global' Cherednik algebra as a natural deformation of the cross product D(C n ) ⋊Sn, of the algebra of differential operators on C n and the symmetric group. We provide a construction of the global Cherednik algebra in terms of quantum Hamiltonian reduction. We study a category of character Dmodules on a representation scheme associated to C and define a Hamiltonian reduction functor from that category to category O for the global Cherednik algebra.In the special case of the curve C = C × , the global Cherednik algebra reduces to the trigonometric Cherednik algebra of type A n−1 , and our character D-modules become holonomic D-modules on GLn(C) × C n . The corresponding perverse sheaves are reminiscent of (and include as special cases) Lusztig's character sheaves.
Table of Contents1. Introduction 2. A representation scheme 3. Cherednik algebras associated to algebraic curves 4. Character sheaves 5. The trigonometric case 1 We refer the reader to [BB] and [K] for the basics of the theory of twisted differential operators.