A systematic investigation is carried out, studying the effect of the neutral beam injection induced energetic particles (EPs) on the n = 1 (n is the toroidal mode number) internal kink (IK) instability in the HL-2M tokamak, utilizing the MARS-F/K code [Liu et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 3681 (2000) and 15, 112503 (2008)]. A high-beta sawteething HL-2M scenario, simulated by the TRANSP code [Breslau et al. Computer Software (2018)], is chosen for this study. Compared to the fluid model, non-perturbative magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-kinetic hybrid computations with MARS-K show a generally stabilization effect on the IK, due to drift kinetic resonances associated with EPs. The bounce resonance of trapped EPs has minor influence on the mode stability. In the absence of the plasma equilibrium flow and with the assumed particle pitch distribution, the transit resonance of co-current (countercurrent) passing EPs destabilizes (stabilizes) the IK. With plasma flow, both co- and countercurrent passing EPs tend to stabilize the mode, but the effect is stronger with the countercurrent particles. These modeling results provide useful guidance for interpreting MHD instabilities in the future high-performance experiments in HL-2M.