Pin extrusion is a common process to realise pin structures in different geometrical dimensions for a subsequent joining operation. Nevertheless, the process of pin extrusion offers process limits regarding sheet thinning as a consequence of the punch penetration depth into the sheet. Thereby, cracks at the residual sheet thickness can occur during strength tests, resulting in a failure of the complete joint due to severe thinning. Therefore, measures have to be taken into account to reduce the thinning. One possibility is the application of orbital formed tailored blanks with a local material pre-distribution, which allows a higher sheet thickness in the desired area. Within this contribution, the novel approach of a process combination of orbital forming and pin extrusion is investigated. To reveal the potential of a local material pre-distribution, conventional specimens are compared with previously orbital formed components. Relevant parameters such as the residual sheet thickness, the pin height as well as the average hardness values are compared. The results show a significant positive influence of a local material pre-distribution on the residual sheet thickness as well as the resulting pin height. Furthermore, the strain hardening during orbital forming can be seen as an additional advantage. To conclude the results, the process limits of conventional pin extrusion can be expanded significantly by the application of specimens with a local material pre-distribution.