Two permutations px 1 , . . . , x w q and py 1 , . . . , y w q are weakly similar if x i ă x i`1 if and only if y i ă y i`1 for all 1 ď i ď w. Let π be a permutation of the set rns " t1, 2, . . . , nu and let wtpπq denote the largest integer w such that π contains a pair of disjoint weakly similar sub-permutations (called weak twins) of length w. Finally, let wtpnq denote the minimum of wtpπq over all permutations π of rns. Clearly, wtpnq ď n{2.In this paper we show that n 12 ď wtpnq ď n 2 ´Ωpn 1{3 q. We also study a variant of this problem. Let us say that π 1 " pπpi 1 q, ..., πpi j qq, i 1 ă ¨¨¨ă i j , is an alternating (or up-and-down) sub-permutation of π if πpi 1 q ą πpi 2 q ă πpi 3 q ą ... or πpi 1 q ă πpi 2 q ą πpi 3 q ă .... Let Π n be a random permutation selected uniformly from all n! permutations of rns. It is known ([17]) that the length of a longest alternating permutation in Π n is asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) close to 2n{3. We study the maximum length αpnq of a pair of disjoint alternating sub-permutations in Π n and show that there are two constants 1{3 ă c 1 ă c 2 ă 1{2 such that a.a.s. c 1 n ď αpnq ď c 2 n.In addition, we show that the alternating shape is the most popular among all permutations of a given length.