This article considers a model for alternative processes for securities prices and compares this model with actual return data of several securities. The distributions of returns that appear in the model can be Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian; in particular they may have two peaks. We consider a discrete Markov chain model. This model in some aspects is similar to well-known Ising model describing ferromagnetics. Namely we consider a set of N investors, each of whom has either bullish or bearish opinion, denoted by plus or minus respectively. At every time step each of N investors can change his/her sign. Let denote by p + (n) the probability of a plus becoming a minus and denote by p -(n) a probability of a minus becoming a plus, assuming that probabilities depend only on the bullish sentiment described as the number n of bullish investors among the total of N investors. The number of bullish investors n(t) forms a Markov chain whose transition matrix is calculated explicitly. The transition matrix of that chain is ergodic and any initial distribution of bullish investors converges to stationary. Stationary distributions of bullish investors in Markov chain model for the "theory of social imitation" of Callen and Shapero. Distributions obtained this way can represent 3 types of market behavior: one peaked-distribution that is close to Gaussian, transition market (flattening of the top), and two-peaked distribution. Recently a number of authors working on market dynamics and agent based approaches obtained important results. Especially worth mentioning are works of Kaizoji [3], Kaizoji, Bornholdt and Fujiwara [4] and Krawiecki and Holyst, [5]. Some of the results i.e. Challet, Marsili, Martino [6] are in the area in econophysics literature called minority games, the situations where agents strive to belong to the global minority. The other group o results is based on the voter model where agents strive to belong to majority and that result in herding behavior Chamley [7], Granovsky, Madras [8].