“…To achieve this, Caco-2 cells were cultured as described above at 37 °C. After 36 hours, to allow proper attachment, cells were exposed to either 100 µM amantadine (hOCT1&2), 100 µM cimetidine (hOCT1&2&3) [37], 100 µM desipramine (hOCT1&2&3), 10 µM β-estradiol (hOCT1&3) or 10 µM verapamil (hOCT1&P-gp) [28,35,36] for 15 min. Then attached cells were exposed to 10 µM erlotinib, gefitinib, sorafenib, sunitinib, crizotinib or 1 µM dasatinib for 2 hours at 37 °C.…”