The chemistry of strained cyclic alkynes has undergone ar enaissance over the past two decades.H owever, arelated species,strained cyclic allenes,especially heterocyclic derivatives,h ave only recently resurfaced and represent another class of valuable intermediates.W er eport am ild and facile means to generate the parent 3,4-oxacyclic allene from ar eadily accessible silyl triflate precursor,a nd then trap it in (4+ +2), (3+ +2), and (2+ +2) reactions to provide av ariety of cycloadducts.I na ddition, we describe ac atalytic, decarboxylative asymmetric allylic alkylation performed on an asilylated substrate,toultimately permit access to an enantioenriched allene.Generation and trapping of the enantioenriched cyclic allene occurs with complete transfer of stereochemical information in aD iels-Alder cycloaddition through ap ointchirality,axial-chirality,point-chirality transfer process.