Abstract:The purpose of this study is to evaluate the perception of healthcare professionals in improving the quality of services in healthcare centers by deploying the platform of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Individual attributes, organizational impression, information, and the system quality of ERP have been used to evaluate the overall influence of integrated planning systems on health care service quality. A mixed methods approach is used to collect and examine data through triangulation. Data for the empirical study was collected from 279 medical professionals of five healthcare organizations operating in the city of Lahore, Pakistan, through a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics squared multiple correlations and reliability coefficients were used as data analysis tools. Moreover, the goodness of fit test of the structural model was conducted through AMOS 20. All given dimensions of ERP are postulated to have a positive effect on healthcare service quality. The results reveal that the use of an enterprise planning system has a positive impact on individuals, organizational information quality, and system quality in healthcare services. The study further concludes that a well implemented 'Enterprise Resource Planning System' results in better system output and enables healthcare professionals to provide better healthcare service quality.