Sport as a public benefit activity is of social and economic importance and contributes to the objectives of national economi es and the European Union. An economic view of sports involves assessing the cos ts and benefits associated with sporting activities, and sports can be categorised according to their public benefit character. Despite the specificities of sport, the analysis of th e efficiency of institutions providing sporting activities is as relevant as in other public sector sectors. This paper aims to evaluate the success of individual sports in a selected public sector organisation using DEA analysis with a focus on technical efficiency. The paper covers 2016-2019, where sports are considered separate units with their own management. Analysing the efficiency of institutions providing sports activities using DEA analysis is not common, as the availability of relevant data limits quantitative analyses. Although sport is a public goo d, assessing the efficiency of these institutions is critical to optimising their activities. This specific analysis is essential, as it is for o ther public sector organisations, as it helps to identify areas for improvement and more efficient use of available resources. In this context, the contribution of the scientific article is also that it highlights the importance of evaluating the efficiency of sport at a higher level, whi ch is becoming an important area within the general economics and economics of sport. The search f or optimal ways to use resources in sports poses a challenge, especially when it comes to individual sports under the umbrella of relevant organisations. The performance of the se sports will be evaluated in detail using technical efficiency, which will allow a more accurate assessment of individual sports' contribution to the organisation's overall efficiency. Given the specificities of the sporting environment and the decentralised management of in dividual sports, this analysis will contribute to gaining a better insight into how to optimise the conditions for achieving outstanding sporting results in the environment of the public sector organisation analy