In this article, problems of forming an innovation environment for the development of universities and forecasting the needs of the labor market with the use of the logistics system of an educational institution are considered. It is shown that the question of studying the innovative approach of the logistics system in the field of education during the digitalization period is very relevant. The reason for numerous studies in the field of logistics systems has become the fact that the development of an innovative educational sphere is impossible without the availability of effective logistical interaction. Therefore, on the one hand, the education area has all the characteristics and elements characteristic of the traditional logistical system. On the other hand, in the context of the properties of the logistic system of education, one can distinguish its distinctive innovative features, which are manifested in the presence of flows whose effectiveness should be directed at meeting the needs of the labor market and consumers. The article reveals that one of the tasks of the logistics system in the field of education can be the innovative implementation of forecasts of future labor market needs, within the framework of close interaction with the state and employers. Thus, the main task of the logistics system of an educational institution is to determine the forecast of the labor market needs for subsequent technological structures. Another important task is the ability to give a «post-guarantee service» to graduates, i.e. Forming services to improve the qualifications of graduates in the maturity phase of the next technological order. It is shown that the dynamics of demand for specialists in the relevant sectors varies in proportion to the growth phase of each technological order. Therefore, there is a need for an innovative and timely approach to forecasting in the educational sphere as part of the implementation of the competence aspect in education. Therefore, it is necessary to train future specialists with an orientation to innovation and demand in the current technological order, as well as with demand orientation in specialists in the future technological order.