Abstraer, The results of powder and single-crystal EPR studies on Cu(NH3)sX 2 compounds [X = BF4, CICI4; Br] gire evidence that phase transitions from a eubic c~-phase (g, = 2.12) with ma anti-K2PtCl 6 type structure to low-temperature ~-phases with reduced symmetry occur, which ate indur by orderhag proeesses of the vacaneies 3 of elongated [Cu0qH3)~l~] 2+ pseudo-oetahedra. The b'pe of order is crucially eontrolted by the nature of the anion, la the case of the BF4-and CIOg ~lts the large an[ons ate s'mueture-determining leading to a slightly disturbed anfiferrodistortive order of the elongatr CuJtNs square pyramids at T,-~ 155 K and <130 K, respeet[vely. The resuking pseudo-~etragonal I]-s¨ of the BF 4 eompound is characte¡ by two thombic crystal g tensors (g~allglA = 2.173; gr allg2 A-2.124; gnnllg~^ 2.071). The dibromide sak undergoes a first-ordcr phase transition at Te = 285 K from cubic to tetragonal with a rather Iow cia ratio of about 0.9. The CuUNs square pyramids ha the Low-tcmperature ~-structure are arranged in this case aeeording to a "m[xed ferrodistortive/anª order partero. Interestingly enough the angular dependenee of the g tensor components ]ndicate further structttral ehanges with decreasing temperature, which are of rather local eharaeter, however, not eorrelated with a second phase transit[on. Atomic displaeements lead to reduced Cu~r-Cu" d[stances with[n certain antiferrodistortive pairs, as evideneed by EPR spectroscopy. The molecular g-values at higher temperatures (g~l = 2.243; gi 2.056) transform to those of pairs with eanting aŸ of about 80 ~ (ga = 2.168; g~ = 2.138; g~ = 2.046).