We say that a compact invariant set Λ of a C 1 -vector field X on a compact boundaryless Riemannian manifold M is robustly shadowable if it is locally maximal with respect to a neighborhood U of Λ, and there exists a C 1 -neigborhood U of X such that for any Y ∈ U , the continuation Λ Y of Λ for Y and U is shadowable for Yt. In this paper, we prove that any chain transitive set of a C 1 -vector field on M is hyperbolic if and only if it is robustly shadowable.Recently, several results dealing with the influence of a robust dynamics property of a C 1 -vector field were appeared. For instance, Lee and Sakai [6] proved that a nonsingular vector field X is robustly shadowable (i.e., X and its C 1 -nearby systems are shadowable) if and only if it satisfies both Axiom A and the strong transversality condition (i.e., it is structurally stable). Afterwards, Pilyugin and Tikhomirov [10] gave a description of robustly shadowable oriented vector fields which are structurally stable. In particular, it is proved in [7] that any robustly shadowable chain component C X (γ) of X containing a hyperbolic periodic orbit γ does not contain a hyperbolic singularity, and it is hyperbolic if C X (γ) has no non-hyperbolic singularity. Here we say that thewhere γ Y is the continuation of γ with respect to Y . Very recently, Gan et al. [4] showed that the set of all robustly shadowable oriented vector fields is contained in the set of vector fields with Ω-stability. In this direction, the following question is still open: if the chain component C X (γ) of a C 1 -vector field X on a compact boundaryless Riemannian manifold M containing a hyperbolic periodic orbit γ is robustly shadowable, then is it hyperbolic?