Crumpling of a thin film leads to a unique stiff yet lightweight structure. The stiffness has been attributed to a complex interplay between four basic elements -smooth bends, sharp folds, localized points (developable cones), and stretching ridges -yet rigorous models of the structure are not yet available. In this letter we show that adhesion, the attraction between surfaces within the crumpled structure, is an important yet overlooked contributer to the overall strength of a crumpled film. Specifically, we conduct experiments with two different polymer films and compare the role of plastic deformation, elastic deformation and adhesion in crumpling. We use an empirical model to capture the behaviour quantitatively, and use the model to show that adhesion leads to an order of magnitude increase in "effective" modulus. Going beyond statics, we additionally conduct force recovery experiments. We show that once adhesion is accounted for, plastic and elastic crumpled films recover logarithmically. The time constants measured through crumpling, interpreted with our model, show an identical distribution as do the base materials measured in more conventional geometries.