We study homomorphisms between quantized generalized Verma modules M (VΛ) φ Λ,Λ 1 → M (VΛ 1 ) for Uq(su(n, n)). There is a natural notion of degree for such maps, and if the map is of degree k, we write φ k Λ,Λ 1 . We examine when one can have a series of such homomorphisms φ 1then Λ = (ΛL, ΛR, λ) and Λn = (ΛL, ΛR, λ + 2). The answer is then that Λ must be one-sided in the sense that either ΛL = 0 or ΛR = 0 (non-exclusively). There are further demands on λ if we insist on Uq(g C ) homomorphisms. However, it is also interesting to loosen this to considering only U − q (g C ) homomorphisms, in which case the conditions on λ disappear. By duality, there result have implications on covariant quantized differential operators. We finish by giving an explicit, though sketched, determination of the full set of Uq(g C ) homomorphisms φ 1 Λ,Λ 1 .Dedicated to I.E. Segal (1918I.E. Segal ( -1998 in commemoration of the centenary of his birth.