Perfil das patologias prevalentes na gestação de alto risco em uma maternidade escola de Maceió, Alagoas, BrasilProfile of pathological conditions prevalent in high-risk pregnancies in a maternity teaching hospital in Maceió, Alagoas state, Brazil
Perfil de patologías prevalentes en el embarazo de alto riesgo en una maternidad escuela de Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil
AbstractObjectives: To outline the epidemiological profile of pathological conditions which are prevalent in high-risk pregnancies at the Santa Mônica Maternity Teaching Hospital in Maceió, Alagoas state. Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological retrospective study conducted through the descriptive analysis of medical records of pregnant women at delivery, from January 2006 to November 2010. Records of high-risk pregnant women attending the maternity ward during the study period were included in this research, and the records not correctly filled in or incomplete, regarding prevalent diseases in high-risk pregnancy, were excluded. Sample size calculation was performed using the hypothesis test for a proportion, according to Lwanga and Lemeshow. Data collection was carried out by filling out a form that had been developed for this study, taking information from the medical files. The following variables were analyzed: prevalent diseases in high-risk pregnancy, maternal age, parity, mode of delivery, and gestational age. Results: three hundred and sixteen medical records were analysed. Premature delivery labour was the most prevalent pathology, representing 31.4% (98/312, 95%CI: 26.5-36.8) of the high-risk pregnancies. In relation to maternal age, 72.7% (227/312, 95%CI: 67.5-77.4) of the women were young (<30 years old). Concerning the number of pregnancies, multiparous women accounted for 52.9% (165/312,. With respect to the type of delivery, 59.0% (184/312,3) were caesarean. Regarding the length of gestation, 47.4% (148/312, 95%CI: 42.0-53.0) were premature. Conclusions: The epidemiological profile found consisted of premature delivery labour among young multiparous pregnant women who evolved to preterm caesarean delivery.
Fonte de financiamento:declaram não haver.