“…The paleogeography of individual basins and of the entire Great Lakes watershed may likewise be reconstructed for any desired age. Applications of the isostatic response surface and the exponential model of uplift are illustrated for: (1) digital reconstruction of Great Lakes Clayton, 1983;Teller and Thorleifson, 1983;Teller, 1985;Thorleifson, 1996 Vincent andHardy, 1979;Veillette, 1994;Dyke, 1996Calkin, 1970Barnett, 1979;Calkin andFeenstra, 1985 Goldthwait, 1910;Stanley, 1936Stanley, , 1937Stanley, , 1938aDeane, 1950;Chapman, 1975;Karrow et al, 1975;Karrow 1980;Chapman and Putnam, 1984;Eschman and Karrow, 1985;Kaszycki, 1985;Karrow, 1986Karrow, , 1987Lewis and Anderson, 1989;Lewis et al 1994Goldthwait, 1907Leverett and Taylor, 1915;Stanley, 1938b;Evenson, 1973;Futyma, 1981;Hansel et al, 1985;Taylor, 1990;Kehew, 1993;Colman et al 1994aColeman, 1937Muller and Prest, 1985;Pair et al, 1988;Rodrigues, 1993 Harrison, 1972;Chapman, 1975;Vincent and Hardy, 1979;Barnett, 1988;…”