The energy spectrum of hole traps is investigated in organic polymer poly(di-n-hexylsilane) by the fractional thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) in the 5-40 K temperature range. In addition, the Raman spectrum of the polymer is studied at 300 K. For the first time, the structure on a TSL curve is observed. It is found that the obtained activation energies of traps coincide with the frequencies of Si-Si vibrations of the polymer chain active in the Raman spectra. These results have been explained within a model, by which the release of charge carriers from traps may be activated via the resonant energy transfer from Si-Si vibrations to the charge carriers. The model explains the appearance of a structure on the TSL curve. K e y w o r d s: poly(di-n-hexylsilane), traps, thermoluminescence, Raman spectra, activation energy.