It has been shown previously that the otsA and otsB mutations block osmoregulatory trehalose synthesis in Escherichia coli. We report that the transcription of these osmoregulated ots genes is dependent on KatF (AppR), a putative sigma factor for certain stationary phase-and starvation-induced genes. The transcription of the osmoregulated bet and proU genes was not katF dependent. Our genetic analysis showed that katF carries an amber mutation in E. coli K-12 and many of its derivatives but that katF has reverted to an active form in the much-used strain MC4100. This amber mutation in katF leads to strain variations in trehalose synthesis and other katF-dependent functions of E. coli. We have performed a molecular cloning of the otsBA genes, and we present evidence that they constitute an operon encoding trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase. A cloning and restriction site analysis, performed by comparing the cloned fragments with the known physical map of the E. coli chromosome, revealed that the otsBA genes are situated on a 2.9-kb HindIII fragment located 8 to 11 kb clockwise of tar (41.6 min).Trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose, is a stress metabolite in various organisms (29). Saccharomyces cerevisiae accumulates trehalose when exposed to an elevated temperature of growth (3,24) or to hazardous chemical agents such as ethanol, copper sulfate, or hydrogen peroxide (3). Rhizobia accumulate trehalose when stressed with lowoxygen (e.g., 1%) tension, regardless of the composition of the growth medium (23). Many phototrophic and heterotrophic bacteria, including Escherichia coli, accumulate trehalose in response to osmotic stress (18,31,45,50). Trehalose is shown to preserve the function and integrity of biological membranes exposed to conditions of low water activity (14) and to confer desiccation tolerance to yeasts (24), to spores of Streptomyces sp. (36), and to nematodes (14); frost tolerance to insects (2) and yeasts (22); and osmotic tolerance to E. coli (19). In yeasts, trehalose accumulation during growth in liquid culture coincides with an increased plating efficiency on agar plates of low water activity (34).In E. coli, the osmoregulatory trehalose pathway consists of a trehalose-6-phosphate synthase which converts UDPglucose and glucose-6-phosphate to trehalose-6-phosphate and a phosphatase which dephosphorylates this metabolic intermediate (reference 19 and this study). Two insertion mutations, named otsA and otsB, which block the synthesis of the synthase, have previously been mapped to 42 min, but the trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase activity of these mutants was not reported (19). However, a point mutation named otsP which causes accumulation of trehalose-6-phosphate in stressed cells, presumably because of a defective phosphatase, was mapped near otsA (27). This mutation appears to be allelic with otsB (reference 27 and this study).Trehalose accumulation in stressed cells of E. coli is regulated at several levels. Experiments with lac fusions have show...