Ocean acidification affects a wide diversity of marine organisms and is of particular concern for vulnerable larval stages critical to population replenishment and connectivity. Whereas it is well known that ocean acidification will negatively affect a range of calcareous taxa, the study of fishes is more limited in both depth of understanding and diversity of study species. We used new 3D microcomputed tomography to conduct in situ analysis of the impact of ocean acidification on otolith (ear stone) size and density of larval cobia (Rachycentron canadum), a large, economically important, pantropical fish species that shares many life history traits with a diversity of high-value, tropical pelagic fishes. We show that 2,100 μatm partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO 2 ) significantly increased not only otolith size (up to 49% greater volume and 58% greater relative mass) but also otolith density (6% higher). Estimated relative mass in 800 μatm pCO 2 treatments was 14% greater, and there was a similar but nonsignificant trend for otolith size. Using a modeling approach, we demonstrate that these changes could affect auditory sensitivity including a ∼50% increase in hearing range at 2,100 μatm pCO 2 , which may alter the perception of auditory information by larval cobia in a high-CO 2 ocean. Our results indicate that ocean acidification has a graded effect on cobia otoliths, with the potential to substantially influence the dispersal, survival, and recruitment of a pelagic fish species. These results have important implications for population maintenance/replenishment, connectivity, and conservation efforts for other valuable fish stocks that are already being deleteriously impacted by overfishing. P resent day atmospheric CO 2 concentration is higher than at any point in the past 800,000 y (1), driving unprecedented anthropogenic ocean acidification in pelagic (2) and coastal environments (3). Future climate scenarios project further decline in ocean pH (4-6) at a rate of change faster than any experienced in the last 300 million years (7). Although ocean acidification is known to influence a diversity of marine organisms (8), it is a particular concern for vulnerable larval stages critical to population replenishment and connectivity (9). Recently, the impact of ocean acidification on the larval stages of invertebrate and vertebrate marine species has attracted increased attention; however, experiments on larval fishes raised under projected ocean acidification scenarios have produced mixed results (10, 11). The days-to month-long pelagic larval period is an ecologically vital ontogenetic phase in marine fishes because it constitutes the primary mode of dispersal in many species (9) and represents the life stage most susceptible to mortality (12). During this phase, the sensory abilities of larval fishes are important determinants of survival (13) and ultimately influence the persistence of viable populations. Therefore, the study of ocean acidification impacts on sensory function in fishes is of critical imp...