Advances in digitized video-tracking and behavioral analysis have enabled accurate recording and quantification of mosquito flight and host-seeking behaviors, enabling development of Individual (agent) Based Models at much finer spatial scales than previously possible. We used such quantified behavioral parameters to create a novel virtual testing model, capable of accurately simulating indoor flight behavior by a virtual population of host-seeking mosquitoes as it interacts with and responds to simulated stimuli from a human-occupied bed net. We describe the model, including base mosquito behavior, state transitions, environmental representation and host stimulus representation. In the absence of a bed net and human bait, flight distribution of the model population is relatively uniform in the arena. Introducing an unbaited net induces a change in distribution due to landing events on the net surface, predominantly occurring on the sides and edges of the net. Presence of simulated human baited net strongly impacted flight distribution patterns, exploratory foraging, the number and distribution of net landing sites, depending on the bait orientation. As recorded in live mosquito experiments, contact with baited nets (a measure of exposure to the lethal insecticide) occurred predominantly on the top surface of the net. Number of net contacts and height of contacts decreased with increasing attractant dispersal noise. Results generated by the model are an accurate representation of actual mosquito behavior recorded at and around a human-occupied bed net in untreated and insecticide treated nets. In addition to providing insights into host-seeking behavior of endophilic vectors, this fine-grained model is highly flexible and has significant potential for in silico screening of novel bed net designs, accelerating the deployment of new and more effective tools for protecting against malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.