Hard-ligand, high-potential copper sites have been characterized in double mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin (C112D/M121X (X = L, F, I)). These sites feature a small Azz(Cu) splitting in the EPR spectrum together with enhanced electron transfer activity. Due to these unique properties these constructs have been called “type zero” copper sites. In contrast, the single mutant, C112D, features a large Azz(Cu) value characteristic of the typical type 2 CuII. In general, Azz(Cu) comprises contributions from Fermi contact, spin dipolar and orbital dipolar terms. In order to understand the origin of the low Azz(Cu) value of type zero CuII we explored in detail its degree of covalency, as manifested by spin delocalization over its ligands, that affects Azz(Cu) through the Fermi contact and spin dipolar contributions. This was achieved by the application of several complementary EPR hyperfine spectroscopic techniques at X- and W-band (~9.5 and 95 GHz, respectively) frequencies to map the ligand hyperfine couplings. Our results show that spin delocalization over the ligands in type zero CuII is different from that of type 2 CuII in the single C112D mutant; the 14N hyperfine couplings of the coordinated histidine nitrogens are smaller by about 25–40%, whereas that of the 13C carboxylate of D112 is about 50% larger. From this comparison we concluded that the spin delocalization of type zero copper over its ligands is not dramatically larger than in type 2 C112D. Therefore, the reduced Azz(Cu) values of type zero CuII are largely attributable to an increased orbital dipolar contribution that is related to its larger gzz value, as a consequence of the distorted tetrahedral geometry. The increased spin delocalization over the D112 carboxylate in type zero mutants compared to type 2 C112D suggests that electron transfer paths involving this residue are enhanced.