In this paper, we provide a robust observer-based output feedback control scheme for a class of nonlinear systems where there are uncertain triangular and nontriangular nonlinearities, nontrivial diagonal terms, and external disturbance. The presence of diagonal terms is the main generalized feature over the existing results. In order to handle the diagonal terms, there is a gain-scaling factor in the proposed controller. Through the analysis, we show that all states and observer errors of the controlled system remain bounded. Moreover, the ultimate bounds of some states and observer errors can be made (arbitrarily) small by adjusting the gain-scaling factor reflecting on the structure of nonlinearities and external disturbance. The validity of our control scheme is experimentally verified via the ball position control of an electromagnetic levitation system.
KEYWORDSdiagonal terms, gain-scaling factor, observer-based output feedback control, triangular and nontriangular nonlinearities, ultimate bounds 1182