Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive cancer of the thorax with a median survival of one year. We constructed an 'MPM interactome' with over 300 computationally predicted PPIs and over 1300 known PPIs of 62 literature-curated genes whose activity affects MPM. Known PPIs of the 62 MPM associated genes were derived from BioGRID and HPRD databases. Novel PPIs were predicted by applying the HiPPIP algorithm, which computes features of protein pairs such as cellular localization, molecular function, biological process membership, genomic location of the gene, gene expression in microarray experiments, protein domains and tissue membership, and classifies the pairwise features as interacting or non-interacting based on a random forest model. To our satisfaction, the interactome is significantly enriched with genes differentially expressed in MPM tumors compared with normal pleura, and with other thoracic tumors. The interactome is also significantly enriched with genes whose high expression has been correlated with unfavorable prognosis in lung cancer, and with genes differentially expressed on crocidolite exposure. 28 of the interactors of MPM proteins are targets of 147 FDA-approved drugs. By comparing differential expression profiles induced by drug to profiles induced by MPM, potentially repurposable drugs are identified from this drug list. Development of PPIs of disease-specific set of genes is a powerful approach with high translational impactthe interactome is a vehicle to piece together an integrated view on how genes associated with MPM through various high throughput studies are functionally linked, leading to clinically translatable results such as clinical trials with repurposed drugs. The PPIs are made available on a webserver, called Wiki-Pi MPM at with advanced search capabilities.Recently, twenty four germline mutations were identified in 13 genes from 198 patients with malignant mesothelioma of pleural or peritoneal origin (11). Non-invasive pre-malignant phase is not seen in mesothelioma unlike other tumors, which necessitates expeditious discovery of genetic predispositions, molecular mechanisms and therapeutics for the disease (12).60% of the disease-associated missense mutations perturb protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in human genetic disorders (13). PPIs are intricately involved in biological functions and disease mechanisms, and may be exploited for drug-discovery (13). The molecular mechanisms of disease are often revealed by the PPIs of diseaseassociated genes. For example, the involvement of transcriptional deregulation in the pathogenesis of MPM was identified through mutations detected in BAP1 and its interactions with several proteins including BRCA1 revealed by co-immunoprecipitation (14). The PPI of BRCA1 with BAP1 was also central in understanding its role in growth-control pathways and cancer (15). Studies on BAP1 and BRCA1 later provided the basis for several clinical trials including testing of the drug Vinorelbine as a second...