Abstract.We have examined the molecular and photosynthetic responses of a planktonic cyanobacterium to shifts in light intensity over periods up to one generation (7 h). Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 possesses two functionally distinct forms of the D 1 protein, D 1:1 and D 1:2. Photosystem II (PSII) centers containing DI:I are less efficient and more susceptible to photoinhibition than are centers containing Dl:2. Under 50 ~tmol photonsm -2-s -1, PSII centers contain DI:I, but upon shifts to higher light (200 to 1000 ~tmol photons 9 m -2 9 s-l), DI:I is rapidly replaced by D1:2, with the rate of interchange dependent on the magnitude of the light shift. This interchange is readily reversed when cells are returned to 50 ~tmol photons, m -2. s -1. If, however, incubation under 200 ~tmol photons, m -2. s -1 is extended, DI:I content recovers and by 3 h after the light shift D 1:1 once again predominates. Oxygen evolution and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence measurements spanning the light shift and D1 interchanges showed an initial inhibition of photosynthesis at 200 ~tmol photons, m -2. s -1, which correlates with a proportional loss of total D1 protein and a cessation of growth. This was followed by recovery in photosynthesis and growth as the maximum level of D1:2 is reached after 2 h at 200 ~tmol photons 9 m -2 9 s -1. Thereafter, photosynthesis steadily declines with the loss of D 1:2 and the return of the less-efficient D 1:1. During the D 1:1/D 1:2 interchanges, no significant change occurs in the level of phycocyanin (PC) and Chl a, nor of the phycobilisome rod linkers. Nevertheless, the initial PC/Chl a ratio strongly influences the magnitude of photoinhibition and recovery during the light shifts. In Synechococcus sp. E-mail: adrian.clarke @ plantphys.umu.se lates PSII activity to limit damage upon exposure to excess light.