Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentu Mill.) belongs to the family Solanaceae and is one of the most popular, important edible and nutritious vegetable crops in the world. Most parts of the world produce and consume tomato from the home gardens and greenhouse to the larger commercial farms as it is able to various agro ecological conditions. The promising growth performance and high yield of tomato depends on the selection of appropriate varieties for a particular location. A field experiment with the objective of evaluating the adaptability and yield performance of improved tomato varieties was conducted at Ambo and Toke kutaye districts of west Shoa zone during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons. Six tomato varieties namely Cochoro, Fetan, Chali, Melka shola, ARP tomato d2 and Melka salsa were evaluated for adaptability and yield performance. Data were recorded on growth and yield contributing parameters like plant height, canopy diameter, and primary branches plant-1 , number of cluster plant-1 , number of fruits cluster-1 , unmarketable and marketable yield. The study showed that there was difference in growth and yield of tomato among different varieties while non-significant result was observed between the two locations. After two years evaluation, the longest plant height (50.7cm), number of primary branches (10.84), number of cluster plant-1 (17.92), number of fruit cluster-1 (32.6), and marketable yield (27.12 ton ha-1) were recorded in tomato variety ARP tomato d2 at Ambo and Toke Kutayedistricts. Therefore, variety ARP tomato d2 is promising variety in providing high yield for the test sites.