“…Abbreviations: AF, Arcuate fasciculus; BA, Brodmann area; CST, Corticospinal tract; CWS, Children who stutter; dIFo, Inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis, dorsal division; dMC, (Primary) motor cortex, dorsal division; DWI, Diffusion weighted imaging; FA, Fractional anisotropy; FDR, False discovery rate; FDT, FMRIB's diffusion toolbox; FWE, Family-wise error; GM, Gray matter; IFo, Inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; NBS, Network-based statistic; PDS, Persistent developmental stuttering; PFS, Person(s) with fluent speech; PWS, Person(s) who stutter; ROI, Region of interest; SLP, Speech language pathologist; SSI, Stuttering severity instrument; TBSS, Tract-based spatial statistic; TE, Echo time; TFCE, Threshold-free cluster enhancement; TI, Inversion time; TR, Repetition time; WM, White matter. LMAN function (Chakraborty et al, 2017), induced stuttering in songbirds. The songbirds exhibited increased repetition of syllables at the end of song motifs, usually the first motif of a bout, indicating that the birds were being stuck in transitioning from one motif sequence to the next.…”