“…The remarkably great speed implies an involvement of the MT-based motor molecules, most likely the classical Kinesin-I and the cytoplasmic dynein for the plus-and the minus-end directed runs, respectively. Interestingly, the speed measured for both the plus (848 6 17 nm/s) and the minus end directed motions (975 6 25 nm/s) is as high as determined for the conventional kinesin (600-1800 nm/sec) [Vale et al, 1985;von Massow et al, 1989;Bohm et al, 1999] and cytoplasmic dynein (800-1250 nm/s) [Paschal et al, 1987;Toba et al, 2006] in vitro, and about twice as high as measured in early syncytial embryos during phase I (407 6 49 nm/s and 475 6 42 nm/s for plus and minus end, respectively) [Welte et al, 1998]. This suggests that the MT-based transport machinery during the stages of the fast ooplasmic streaming is, not surprisingly, in a fully activated state.…”