The lithologicaltrinity of dolostone, limestone, and sulfates(anhydriteand/orgypsum) is subject to rapid dissolutionof the sulfates and leads to the development of dissolution-collapse brecciasresultingfrom the withdrawal of the sulfates. The resultantfeatures commonly include spectacular dissolution-collapse breccias. Owing to their mobility and chemical instability evaporite rocks, such as gypsum and anhydrite, are highly soluble and can be dissolvedrapidly to form karstic features. When anhydrite and/or gypsum are dissolvedthe overlyingcontinuous strata of carbonate rocks collapse, generatingdissolution-collapse breccia composed of carbonate clasts. Such dissolution-collapse breccias as a result of dissolution of gypsum and/or anhydrite are more common worldwide than the literature suggests.Evaporite karst interferes with human activity, including highways, buildings, canals, and agriculture.A Cretaceousdeposit composed of dolostone, limestone, and anhydrite brecciaset in a carbonatematrix has been interpretedas the result of asteroid-or comet collision. An origin as evaporitepaleokarst could explainthe formation of this same breccia.In the WillistonBasinof Montanaanhydrites form the caps of basin-wide peritidalcycles in successions whichbrine upward. The supratidal cycle caps are zones of anhydrite leachingand creationof dissolution-collapse breccia.Cambro-LowerOrdovician(Sauk) platformcyclesin the Appalachian Basinare composedof peritidalupward-shallowing carbonate facies which showevidenceof ultimateemergence. The sulfatesin the cyclecapshaveentirelydissolvedout and thepaleokarstserves as testament to their former presence.