The constant intensive development of productive forces and industrial relations is closely related to the needs of the na-tional economy in the creation of new increasingly complex machines, mechanisms and integrated circuits. Ensuring the solution of the development issue is conditioned by contra-dictory requirements: reducing the set deadlines for project development and improving its quality indicators. By in-creasing the number of designers, it is not possible to meet these requirements. The solution of the tasks set is possible through comprehensive automation of design work, the creation of a new design methodology, the widespread use of mathematical modeling methods, robotization of the manu-facturing process and the manufacture of finished products. This article is devoted to the issue of the automatic design system. The article shows that the set of programs used in the prototype of the CAD package allows you to perform work on creating an electronic component database. The testing of the compiled set of computer-aided design tools took place as part of the implementation of work on the design of digital and analog circuits along the full route of the Cadence computer-aided design system. The article at-tempts to demonstrate the problem of big data processing based on the methods of performing design procedures for building design routes for modern element databases