Biomedical named entity recognition (BioNER) is an essential task in biomedical information analysis. Recently, deep neural approaches have become widely utilized for BioNER. Biomedical dictionaries, implemented through a masked manner, are frequently employed in these methods to enhance entity recognition. However, their performance remains limited. In this work, we propose a dictionary-based matching graph network for BioNER. This approach utilizes the matching graph method to project all possible dictionary-based entity combinations in the text onto a directional graph. The network is implemented coherently with a bi-directional graph convolutional network (BiGCN) that incorporates the matching graph information. Our proposed approach fully leverages the dictionary-based matching graph instead of a simple masked manner. We have conducted numerous experiments on five typical Bio-NER datasets. The proposed model shows significant improvements in F1 score compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models: 2.8% on BC2GM, 1.3% on BC4CHEMD, 1.1% on BC5CDR, 1.6% on NCBI-disease, and 0.5% on JNLPBA. The results show that our model, which is superior to other models, can effectively recognize natural biomedical named entities.