ABSTRAKPenelitian ini tentang adsorpsi zat warna congo red oleh hidroksiapatit hasil dekomposisi termal 400 o C (TA1) dan hidroksiapatit hasil dekomposisi termal 400 o C termodifikasi Fe (TA2). Penelitian ini meliputi ekstraksi hidroksiapatit dari tulang secara dekomposisi termal, penentuan jumlah situs aktif hidroksiapatit secara titrasi asam basa, luas permukaan secara metode sorpsi biru metilen, perbandingan unsur Ca/P dianalisis menggunakan laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS), kristalinitas secara difraksi sinar-X (XRD), penentuan waktu setimbang adsorpsi congo red, isoterm adsorpsi dan kapasitas adsorpsi congo red tanpa dan dengan penambahan H2O2 menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah situs aktif hidroksiapatit tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh TA1 yaitu 19,3493x10 23 situs/gram dan luas permukaan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh TA1 yaitu 26,5375 m 2 /g. Perbandingan unsur Ca/P yang dihasilkan oleh TA1 yaitu 1,6425 sesuai literatur (1,67). TA2 menghasilkan puncak XRD yang lebih mendekati puncak hidroksiapatit murni dengan intensitas 100 yang memiliki sudut 2 31,99 o . Secara umum adsorpsi congo red tanpa dan dengan penambahan H2O2 terjadi peningkatan kapasitas teradsorpsi seiring dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi congo red dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan serbuk tulang kontrol (T0).
ABSTRACTThis research paper discusses the adsorption of congo red by hydroxyapatite resulted from thermal decomposition at 400 o C (TA1) and hydroxyapatite resulted from thermal decomposition at 400 o C with Fe modification (TA2). This studies involved the extraction of hydroxyapatite by thermal decomposition, determinations of the number of hydroxyapatite active sites by acid-base titration, surface area by the sorption of methylene blue, ratio of Ca/P elements analized by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS), crystallinity by Xray diffraction (XRD), determination of equilibrium adsorption time, adsorption isotherms and adsorption capacity of congo red with and without the addition of H2O2analized by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results showed that the highest number of hydroxyapatiteactive sites and surface area of TA1were 19.3493x10 23 sites/gram and 26.5375 m 2 /g, respectively. The ratio of Ca/P elements produced by TA1 was 1.6425 which was in accordance to the reference. The XRD peaksof TA2 was closer to the pure hydroxyapatite with an intensity 100 which had 2θ angle of 31.99 o . Generally, the adsorption of congo red with and without the addition of H2O2 showed an increase in the amount adsorbed with the increase of the concentrations of congo red and this was higher than the control (T0).