Studies on the Autoxidation of cis‐ und trans‐β‐Methyl Styrene
In the autoxidation of cis‐ and trans‐β‐methyl styrene at temperatures between 80 and 120°C the CC‐double bond is preferably attacked: 35–60% of epoxides and their consecutive products and 25–50% of benzaldehyde are obtained. Products of allylic oxidation are formed only with yields lower than 1%; high‐boiling or polymeric products, respectively, which could not be detected gaschromatographically are formed with yields lower than 20%. The ratio of cis‐ to trans‐epoxides in the case of cis‐β‐methyl styrene oxidation amounts to about 0.04, in the case of trans‐β‐methyl styrene oxidation this ratio is about 0.01.