The effects of ozone on the photooxidation of coaLing-grade a sphalts were compared to Lhosc of all' and of oxygen under a van ety of rad ia nt energy cond itions. Oxidative changes were measured by infrared spectroscopy and by t he time to film failure a s denoted by crack ing.Su rfaces of noncatalyzed asphalts were oxidized wb en treated with ozone in total darkness, room light, solar radia t ion, and t,he radiant energies of the carbon and xenon arcs. No oxidation was detected when the aSJlhalts we re ex])osed to room li ght in oxygen a lone. A FeCh-catalyzed asphalt was not OXidized b y ozone Jl1 total darkness. Photooxidation rates of all aspbalts in~rease d as exposures were made to carbon-arc radiation in air, in oxygen, and 111 ozone-ennched oxygen. Each a sphalt ex hibIted a different oxidative response to sola r, xenon-arc, and carbon-arc radiant energy so urces.