Total ozone (TO) norms for the period from April to June (i.e., the multiyear TO means over Russia and contiguous territories determined for [1974][1975][1976][1977][1978][1979][1980][1981][1982][1983][1984] were given in [1]. Similarly to the first quarter of 2009, quarterly TO means in the second quarter over the territory under control were generally close to the multiyear means (Fig. 1a). Apparently, the return of the ozone layer characteristics to norms of a 30-year past is largely connected with the abnormally strong and long-lasting warming in the stratosphere in the high-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere observed in winter 2008-2009 [3], which substantially reduced the area under the Arctic circumpolar vortex over Russia. The maximum TO deviations from normal in the second quarter of 2009 were observed at the stations located in Irkutsk and Ekaterinburg. In Ekaterinburg, the quarterly TO mean abnormally exceeded the multiyear mean and reached 8% or 2.8 standard deviations (SD). An anomalous deficiency of the quarterly TO mean value was observed at the station in Irkutsk: 7% or 2.8 SD.The lowest quarterly mean TO values (320-375 DU) were recorded over the southern regions of European Russia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and the south of Siberia. Over the central and northern regions of European Russia, the Urals, Siberia, and Chuckchi Peninsula, quarterly TO means were 375-420 DU. The highest TO values were observed over the Far East, northern Eastern Siberia and Kamchatka: 420-440 DU.In this review, for the total ozone maps compiling, data collected at the UkrNIGMI station were used instead of those from the network station in Kiev, which is located in about 30 km from the UkrNIGMI station. Data collected at Vladivostok, Vitim, Odessa, Chardzhou, Ashkhabad, the Aral Sea, Nagaevo, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski stations were not used for the ozone field analysis in the second quarter of 2009 because of their low quality.In April 2009, monthly mean TO values determined over the major part of the territory under control were close to the multiyear means (Fig. 1b). The only exception was the station in Ekaterinburg, where the anomalous exceeding of the mean TO value was recorded; it amounted to 14% or 2.8 SD. The maximum deficiency of the monthly mean TO value was recorded in Irkutsk (10% or 2.2 SD). If over European Russia the TO was slightly above the norm, over the south of Siberia, it was slightly below the norm. It is interesting to note that reduced TO values were observed over the major part of Western Siberia, south of Scandinavia, and north of Canada.In May, monthly TO means estimated over the major part of the considered territory were close to the multiyear means (Fig. 1c) except for the Markovo station, where the anomalous deficiency of the monthly TO mean was recorded (10% or 2.7 SD). The maximum exceeding of the monthly mean TO value was observed at the Turukhansk and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur stations (7% or 1.9 and 1.7 SD, respectively).In June, monthly mean TO values over the territory under control were ...