The effects of water vapor and He
ion irradiation on the alteration
of particles of the uranyl hydroxide phase metaschoepite, [(UO2)8O2(OH)12](H2O)10, are determined. Raman spectra collected immediately
postirradiation revealed the presence of a uranyl oxide phase structurally
similar to γ-UO3 or U2O7. Short-term
storage postirradiation at elevated relative humidity accelerated
formation of the uranyl peroxide phase studtite, [(UO2)(O2)(H2O)2](H2O)2. Experiments examining the degradation of metaschoepite and the
hydration of UO3 enabled spectral assignments and identification
of reaction pathways. The results provide insights into thermal and
radiolytic degradation products in both irradiated uranyl hydroxide
phases and uranyl peroxide phases, which follow similar degradation