Abstract:The ]. DFT calculations demonstrate that the amino-borane interacts with the Rh centers through strong Rh-H and Rh-B interactions.Mechanistic investigations show that these dimers can form by ab oronium-mediated route,and are pre-catalysts for amine-borane dehydropolymerization, suggesting ap ossible role for bimetallic motifs in catalysis.
Polyamino-boranes ([H2BNRH] n )a re potentially exciting new materials that are isoelectronic with technologically pervasive polyolefins,b ut are chemically distinct because of (dÀ)HBÀNH(d +)p olarization. They are formed by the dehydropolymerization of amine-boranes (H 3 B·NRH 2 ;R= Ho rM e, for example;S cheme 1A), [1] and metal-catalyzed routes to polyamino-boranes offer the potential for fine control over molecular weight and polymer stereochemistry.There is recent evidence that these processes occur at ametal center in which the catalyst needs to perform two roles: 1) formal dehydrogenation of amine-borane to form al atent source of amino-borane (H 2 B=NRH), and 2) subsequent B À Nb ond formation.[2-6] Fors ome systems ac oordination/ insertion mechanism is proposed, although the precise structure of the propagating species is currently unresolved (Scheme 1B). [3,5,6] This is in contrast to olefin polymerization, in which the feedstock (for example,e thene or propene) is already unsaturated, and the active species and propagating mechanisms are well-defined.[7] Ac learer understanding of how the catalyst dehydrogenates amine-borane,t raps intermediate amino-boranes,and promotes B À Nbond-formation, is central to harnessing the full potential of systems that ultimately deliver new well-defined BÀNpolymeric materials on au seful scale.Unlike ethene (H 2 C=CH 2 ), which is stable under ambient conditions,t he isoelectronic amino-borane (H 2 B = NH 2 )h as only been prepared in low temperature matrices and oligomerizes above À150 8 8C. [2,8] Adding steric bulk to the nitrogen atom increases stability,s ot hat, for example,H 2 B=NMeH [9] or H 2 B=N t BuH [10] can be observed as transient species using in situ NMR spectroscopy before they also oligomerize.There are two examples where unstable H 2 B = NH 2 can be trapped by coordination to asingle metal center.These originate after dehydrogenation of aputative s-ammonia borane [11] complex, forming Ru(PCy 3 ) 2 (H) 2 (h 2 -H 2 B=NH 2 ) A [12] and (Cy-PSiP)-Ru(H)(h 2 -H 2 B=NH 2 ) B,Cy-PSiP = k 3 -(Cy 2 PC 6 H 4 ) 2 SiMe).[13]We now report that H 2 B=NH 2 can be trapped by ab imetallic [Rh 2 (R 2 PCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 PR 2 ) 2 ] 2+ fragment to give an ovel bridging amino-borane bonding motif.W ep rovide mechanistic evidence for formation of the complex from amonometallic precursor,and show that such dimeric aminoborane species may be important in dehydropolymerization pathways.T his report builds upon previous observations that indirectly implicate bimetallic motifs during catalysis. [14][15][16]