Climate variability and change are considerably important for a wide range of human activities and natural ecosystems. Climate science has made major advances during the last two decades, yet climate information is neither routinely useful for nor used in planning. What is needed is a mechanism, a national climate service (NCS), to connect climate science to decision-relevant questions and support building capacity to anticipate, plan for, and adapt to climate fluctuations. This article contributes to the national debate for an NCS by describing the rationale for building an NCS, the functions and services it would provide, and how it should be designed and evaluated. The NCS is most effectively achieved as a federal interagency partnership with critically important participation by regional climate centers, state climatologists, the emerging National Integrated Drought Information System, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Regional Integrated Sciences Assessment (RISA) teams in a sustained relationship with a wide variety of stakeholders. Because the NCS is a service, and because evidence indicates that the regional spatial scale is most important for delivering climate services, given subnational geographical/geophysical complexity, attention is focused on lessons learned from the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group's 10 years of experience, the first of the NOAA RISA teams.Pacific Northwest climate ͉ regional integrated sciences and assessments T he last 20 years have seen exciting advancements in climate science, from seasonal forecasting to understanding anthropogenic climate change. Equally exciting is the growing awareness in scientific and resource management communities of the opportunities and challenges presented by these scientific advancements. Capturing the full potential of this increasing synergism between the producers and users of climate information, however, requires more than can be provided by existing institutional arrangements. What is needed is a sustained mechanism for promoting science to support decision-relevant questions, translating new climate information into relevant decision environments, and building regional and national capacity to anticipate, plan for, and adapt to climate variability and change.