We investigate various online packing problems in which convex polygons arrive one by one and have to be placed irrevocably into a container before the next piece is revealed; the pieces must not be rotated, but only translated. The aim is to minimize the used space depending on the specific problem at hand, e.g., the strip length in strip packing, the number of bins in bin packing, etc.We draw interesting connections to the following online sorting problem Online-Sorting[γ, n]: We receive a stream of real numbers s1, . . . , sn, si ∈ [0, 1], one by one. Each real must be placed in an array A with γn initially empty cells without knowing the subsequent reals. The goal is to minimize the sum of differences of consecutive reals in A. The offline optimum is to place the reals in sorted order so the cost is at most 1. We show that for any ∆-competitive online algorithm of Online-Sorting[γ, n], it holds that γ∆ ∈ Ω(log n/ log log n).We use this lower bound to answer several fundamental questions about packing. Specifically, we prove the non-existence of competitive algorithms for various online translational packing problems of convex polygons, among them strip packing, bin packing and perimeter packing. These results remain * Anders Aamand is