When a rod is vertically withdrawn from a granular layer, oblique force chains can be developed by effective shearing. In this study, the force-chain structure in a rodwithdrawn granular layer was experimentally investigated using a photoelastic technique. The rod is vertically withdrawn from a two-dimensional granular layer consisting of bidisperse photoelastic disks. During the withdrawal, the development process of force chains is visualized by the photoelastic effect. By systematic analysis of photoelastic images, force chain structures newly developed by the rod withdrawing are identified and analyzed. In particular, the relation between the rod-withdrawing force Fw, total force-chains force Ft, and their average orientation θ are discussed. We find that the oblique force chains are newly developed by withdrawing. The force-chain angle θ is almost constant (approximately 20 • from the horizontal), and the total force Ft gradually increases by the withdrawal. In addition, Ft sin θ shows a clear correlation with Fw.