According to the World Health Organization, the elderly are the fastest-growing age group in the world. Scientists addressing the aging issue have put forward a theory of active longevity, based on improving the quality of life of the elderly. Most authors believe that the basis of a long life is an active and mobile lifestyle, a healthy diet, abstinence from bad habits, constant communication and affordable quality health care. Recently, in our country, government officials began to pay attention to the problems of longevity and improving the quality of life of senior and elderly people. The Government of Moscow adopted a decision of December 18, 2018 No. 1578-GO “On the implementation of the Moscow Longevity Project in the city of Moscow”, which provides for a permanent basis to create a system of organizing active leisure activities for senior citizens, expanding forms of social communications, further enhancing their life and longevity. Recent studies show that the quality of life of people in the elderly and senile age is closely related to their health and cannot be limited to biomedical parameters. It depends on an assessment of one’s life course, internal standards, and on effective social activity. Also, quality of life is correlated with factors such as the diet and nutrition quality, the ability to perform physical activities that help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and mortality. At the same time, the importance of dental health remains underestimated, despite the fact that healthy mouth organs and tissues are the main factors contributing to quality nutrition, performing an aesthetic role and serving as a symbol of a person’s well-being.