The current model of fear conditioning suggests that it is mediated through modules involving the amygdala (AMY), hippocampus (HIP), and frontal lobe (FL). We now test the hypothesis that habituation and acquisition stages of a fear conditioning protocol are characterized by different event-related causal interactions (ERC) within and between these modules. The protocol employed the painful cutaneous laser as the unconditioned stimulus and ERC was estimated by analysis of local field potentials recorded through electrodes implanted for investigation of epilepsy.
During the pre-stimulus interval of the habituation stage FL>AMY ERC interactions were common. For comparison, in the post-stimulus interval of the habituation stage only a subdivision of the FL (dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, dlPFC) still exerted the FL>AMY ERC interaction (dlFC>AMY). For a further comparison, during the poststimulus interval of the acquisition stage the dlPFC>AMY interaction persisted and an AMY>FL interaction appeared.
In addition to these ERC interactions between modules, the results also show ERC interactions within modules. During the post-stimulus interval HIP>HIP ERC interactions were more common during acquisition, and deep hippocampal contacts exerted causal interactions upon superficial contacts, possibly explained by connectivity between the perihippocampal gyrus and the hippocampus. During the prestimulus interval of the habituation stage AMY>AMY ERC interactions were commonly found, while interactions between the deep and superficial amygdala (indirect pathway) were independent of intervals and stages. These results suggest that the network subserving fear includes distributed or widespread modules, some of which are themselves `local networks'. ERC interactions between and within modules can be either static or change dynamically across intervals or stages of fear conditioning.