Game technology has been identified as a means to developing the Word Formation Skills of Children with Preschool Speech Disorder. The purpose of the article was to analyze the psychological and pedagogical conditions of word-formation skills for Kazakh-speaking preschool children with speech disorders on the basis of learning theories and contemporary approaches. To achieve the set aim, we have studied psychophysiological peculiarities of preschool children with speech disorder. We have allocated the most significant learning theories and approaches, which promote the assimilation of word-formation. We have come to understand that the indicators of speech development of many modern Kazakh-speaking preschoolers do not correspond to the age norm, which is influenced by word-formation operations. For Kazakh-speaking preschool children with speech disorders it is rather difficult to distinguish elementary forms as the original word, consisting of a stem and a derivative by including diminutive-affectionate suffixes.
Key words: Kazakh-speaking preschool children, psychological and pedagogical conditions, learning theories, approaches, word-formation, speech games