Multicellular organisms, from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans, have roughly the same number of protein encoding genes. We show that the need to prevent disease-causing nonspecific interactions between proteins provides a simple physical reason why organism complexity is not reflected in the number of distinct proteins. By collective evolution of the amino acid sequences of protein binding interfaces we estimate the degree of misbinding as a function of the number of distinct proteins. Protein interaction energies are calculated with an empirical, residue-specific energy function tuned for protein binding. We show that the achievable energy gap favoring specific over nonspecific binding decreases with protein number in a power-law fashion. From the fraction of proteins involved in nonspecific complexes as a function of increasing protein number and decreasing energy gap, we predict the limits these binding requirements place on the number of different proteins that can function effectively in a given cellular compartment. Remarkably, the optimization of binding interfaces favors networks in which a few proteins have many partners, and most proteins have few partners, consistent with a scale-free network topology. We conclude that nonspecific binding adds to the evolutionary pressure to develop scale-free protein-protein interaction networks. T he number of proteins encoded by the genomes of humans and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is remarkably similar, ∼20;000 each (1), with comparable numbers for other eukaryotes (2). Large differences in organism complexity are thus reflected far less in proteome size than in gene regulatory networks (3), the degree of compartmentalization (4), the variety of distinct cell types (2), and alternative splicing (5). In this work, we provide a physical explanation for the absence of an increase in protein diversity from simple multicellular organisms to humans. Our approach seeks to capture the fundamental aspects of protein interactions conserved in any functioning cell, namely high binding specificity and minimal aggregation as the proteins participate in a network of binding interactions.The networks of protein-protein interactions, or interactomes (6-9), although distinctive to their individual organisms, manifest global and local characteristics that are shared across species (10, 11). Most notably, the organization of these networks exhibits a scale-free topology (10, 12) with a substantial number of highly connected hub proteins (13). Based on structural (14) and temporal (15) information, the hub proteins can be classified as date hubs or party hubs. In a date hub, multiple binding partners compete for binding to a single interface, where binding to one partner excludes simultaneous binding to any of the others. In a party hub, a protein has multiple binding interfaces that are accessible independent of each other, such that binding is not competitive. Collectively, these network features are relevant functionally by creating robust, modular interactomes (15, 16) an...