Several theoretical and experimental results on the dynamics of dissociative adsorption and recombination desorption of hydrogen on silicon are reviewed. Theoretically a 5‐D model is presented taking lattice distortion, corrugation and molecular vibrations into account besides the translational motion of the molecule. The properties of this model are investigated within the framework of coupled channel calculations. While the temperature dependence of sticking is dominated by lattice distortion, the main effect of corrugation is a reduction of the pre‐exponential factor by about one order of magnitude per lateral degree of freedom. Molecular vibrations have little effect on the adsorption–desorption dynamics itself but lead to vibrational heating in desorption with a strong isotope effect. Ab initio calculations for the H2 interaction with the dimers of Si(100) 2×1 show properties of the potential surface in qualitative agreement with the model, but its dynamics differs quantitatively from the experimental results. Experimentally extremely small sticking probabilities in the range 10−9 to 10−5 could be measured using optical second‐harmonic generation (SHG) for H2 and D2 on Si(111) 7×7 and Si(100) 2×1. Strong phonon‐assisted sticking was observed for gases at 300 K and surface temperatures between 550 and 1050 K. The absolute values as well as the temperature variation of the adsorption and desorption rates show surprisingly little isotope effect and differ only little between the two surfaces. These results indicate that tunnelling, molecular vibrations, and the structural details of the surface play only a minor role for the adsorption dynamics. Instead, they appear to be governed by the localized H–Si bonding and Si–Si vibrations. These results together with previously measured energy and angular distributions of desorbing molecules can be described very well with the theoretical model.