We investigate thermal evolution of radio-frequency (RF) spectra of a spin-imbalanced Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance in which degenerate Fermi-polaron and classical Boltzmann-gas regimes emerge in the low-temperature and high-temperature limits, respectively. By using self-consistent frameworks of strong-coupling diagrammatic approaches, both of the ejection and reserve RF spectra available in cold-atom experiments are analyzed. We find a variety of transfers from Fermi polarons to the Boltzmann gas such that a thermal crossover expected in the weak-coupling regime is shifted to a sharp transition near unitarity and to double-peak coexistence of attractive and repulsive branches in the strong-coupling regime. Our theory provides semiquantitative descriptions for a recent experiment on the ejection RF spectroscopy at unitarity [Z. Yan et al., arXiv:1811.00481v1] and suggests the importance of beyond-two-body correlations in the high-temperature regime due to the absence of Pauli-blocking effects.A spectroscopic method is one of central themes in physics including hadron-mass spectroscopy in nuclear physics [1-3] and gravitational wave detection in astrophysics [4,5]. In condensed matter, a spectroscopic technique is of importance to examine low-energy excitations in quantum many-body systems, which led to discoveries of pseudogap in high-T c superconductors [6-8] and of topological states of matter [9]. In an ultracold atomic gas that is an ideal platform to realize nontrivial quantum states of matter and yet has limited probes due to electrical charge neutrality, a quantum many-body spectroscopy is an inevitable tool to extract fundamental properties of the system [10]. For instance, the Bragg spectroscopy allows to measure Nambu-Goldstone modes in superfluid gases [11,12], and the lattice modulation spectroscopy to measure the Mott gap in an optical lattice system [13]. In addition, the radio-frequency (RF) spectroscopy in cold atoms provides an alternative route to probe interacting atomic gases, and revealed the essential properties such as pseudogap in normal Fermi gases [14-17], superfluid gap [18] and Higgs mode [19] in superfluid Fermi gases, and Efimov effect in threecomponent Fermi gases [20,21]. Since the RF spectroscopy is sensitive to excitation properties in quantum many-body systems, of current interest in the RF spectrum measurements is a polaron which is a prototype on how a strong interaction affects quasiparticle properties.In cold atoms, polaron physics can be achieved simply by considering a polarized mixture. When such a mixture consists of a two-component Fermi gas, the system at a low-temperature reduces to a Fermi polaron, which is a mobile impurity surrounded by the Fermi sea. The RF spectral results as well as the experimental realizations [22][23][24][25][26][27] triggered a number of theoretical works mostly under the condition of a single impurity at absolute zero . The current consensus is that such single-impurity calculations agree well with low-temperature spectral data of th...