“…The ice-age fauna of Bluefish Caves comprises four fish species, one amphibian, at least twenty-three bird species, and thirty-five mammal species, including the mammoth, the steppe bison Bison priscus, the Yukon horse Equus lambei, the Dall sheep Ovis dalli, the caribou, the moose, the wapiti, the saiga antelope Saiga tatarica, the muskox Ovibos moschatus, the steppe lion Panthera leo spelaea, the cougar Puma concolor, the brown bear, the wolf, and many smaller mammals, including nine species of microtine rodents. Stone artifacts, made of exotic, high-quality cherts, were mainly found in loess that contained remains of the Late Pleistocene vertebrate fauna (Beebe, 1983;Cinq-Mars, 1979;Cinq-Mars and Morlan, 1999;Harington and Cinq-Mars, 2008;Morlan, 1989;McCuaig-Balkwill and Cinq-Mars, 1998). …”